The Blue water Center for Independent Living (BWCIL) has been providing independent living services to persons with any type of disability living in the thumb region of Michigan, since 1986. Since then, the BWCIL has been a leader in providing holistic, individually-tailored independent living skills training, advocacy, information and referal peer support programs for persons with disabilities. Our service area includes the following counties: Huron, Lapeer, St. Clair, Sanilaic, and Tuscola. There is an office located in the cities of Lapeer, Port Huron, Sandusky, Caro, and the village of Bad Axe. Our Mission The BWCIL is designed specifically to assist people with disabilities in achiving and maintaining independent lifestyles. Independent living means having an opportunity to make decisions that affect one's life and the ability to pursue choices . Independent living has to do with self-determination. It's having the right and opportunity to pursue a course of action. It's having the right to learn and try. What is Independent Living? The idea of independent living is not complicated. It simply means that anyone who has a disability of any sort should have the right to fulfill their dreams and imagine for themselves. The duty of the BWCIL is to help consumers find resources they need to accomplish their independent living goals. The Center is greatly influenced by individuals with disabilities who have been successful in building independent lifestyles. They play a vital role in the agency's operation by sharing their expertise with others. Fortunately, people with disabilities do not have to do it all on their own. The staff, members, volunteers, and Board of Directors of the BWCIL are deeply committed to assisting people with disabilities to become more independent.